

 Andrew Tobias on Trump

 A slew of his former staffers are either in jail, pardoned, or have written books warning us against re-electing him.  No matter.

He killed the bipartisan border bill that would have ended the border crisis.  It’s his crisis now.  No matter.

He said the stock market would crash if we elected Joe Biden (and says it will crash if we elect Kamala Harris).  If anything, it’s too high now.  No matter.  They believe him; or don’t care that they don’t believe him.

He didn’t get us better health care, he didn’t bring manufacturing jobs back, he didn’t lower the deficit, he didn’t release his tax returns as he promised to.  He didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall, he didn’t revitalize our infrastructure, he didn’t hire “the best people” (and when he did, he fired them or they quit) — but he did repeal Roe v. Wade, he did make sure kids could still buy AR-15s, he did scoff at the climate crisis, and he did profoundly shake our allies’ faith in us.

And he did attract a crowd to Washington to storm the Capitol in an attempt to overturn what his own head of election security called the most secure election in our history as he watched the mayhem for more than three hours, rewinding the most violent parts while ignoring pleas to call his people off.

He mocks the disabled, calls people vermin, kept a book of Hitler’s speeches by his bedside, prizes loyalty over competence — prizes loyalty to him over loyalty to the Constitution — bankrupts companies, disrespects women, has contempt for fallen soldiers, uses their graves for a thumbs-up photo op, is a raging, aging egomaniac who sells Bibles he’s never read with his name on them — and none of that matters.


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