
Socialism - Bad and Good

A good post from Hamilton Nolan. A piece below but read the whole thing.

Bad Climate Socialism

If we socialize the costs of the fire department and the police and the military and schools and health care and roads and the other necessities of life, we build a safety net that ensures that even poor people and poor places have access to the necessities that everyone in our rich nation deserves. However, there is a difference between socializing the costs of things we need more of, and socializing the costs of things we need less of. Universal public health care would be good. Universal public insurance for people to continue to build more beachfront homes that scientists tell us will be at ever-increasing risk of destruction from climate change—allowing us to delay our ultimate reckoning with the need to phase out fossil fuels? Not good. Socialism is a tool. It demands at least a minimal level of judgment. If you socialize the costs of a bad thing you make that bad thing cheaper and ensure that you will get more of it.

Another from Hamilton Nolan.

Insurance Politics at the End of the World

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