
Mitch Daniels - Religious Idiot

This is from possible 2012 presidential candidate, Mitch Daniels' interview posted on WANE.COM and found here: Daniels talks candidly about his faith.

.... And atheism leads to brutality. All the horrific crimes of the last century were committed by atheists -Stalin and Hitler and Mao and so forth- because it flows very naturally from an idea that there is no judgment and there is nothing other than the brief time we spend on this Earth.....

Yeah Mitch, like there's never been anything evil done in the name of religion. You fucking idiot.


  1. Birger JohanssonJuly 08, 2010

    CriticallySkeptic: "So does that now mean any white, mustachioed, German speaking, dog loving person is evil, too?"
    It has already been done. Wikipedia has a list of logical fallacies, it includes the "Hitler" comparison; for instance, Hitler was against smoking, therefore anti-smoking campaigners are nazis.

  2. The Hitler argument also fails because even if Hitler was an atheist, the people carrying out his crimes were certainly not.

  3. AnonymousJuly 12, 2010

    Check out the facts, Hitler was a christian, not an atheist. You may deny it because you don't like it, but too it don't change the facts.

    He believed (correctly I might add) that he could no have done what he did without the church.

  4. AnonymousMay 26, 2012

    mitch daniels lies about campaign promises. Thank god he is done being governor in indiana. Go ruin somebody elses state liar
