

[Ezra on Evan] [Even more on Evan]

Evan Bayh's the poster child for the American power elite. From a powerful family. Chosen and elected because he had the name. Never, ever had to work for a living. Bought and paid for by big money hidden in his wife's director positions. He was an Indiana Senator but he didn't really represent Indiana. He didn't live here. His kids didn't go to school here. Indiana Senator was just his given position. A job given him by his powerful owners. He didn't really stand for anything, He didn't represent anything. He was just doing his job for his owners. He did very little in government, an undistinguished career, but he did become rich and powerful. Now he'll take his place in another powerful position, recruiting and enriching the next generation of powerful, political elites. He's moved from the owned to an owner.

Evan Bayh, Duke of Indiana, Earl of Wellpoint. Indiana will not miss you.


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