
Monday the 11th

Social Security
Social Security Payments Exceed Income: "Trust Fund" Will Be Wiped Out by 2034
Panic for no reason. It's an easy fix. Raise the SS income limit then just wait for the boomers to die off and the youngsters to enter their peak earning years. Someday they'll be talking about what to do with all the excess Social Security money. Also, Social Security in the early 80s. 

With Russia maybe, but more likely with the Saudis, Israelis, and the UAE. The Intercept on the Collusion story

Ian Welsh: The Destruction of Latin America’s Left And Lessons for Everyone
"This is a very dirty game, and left-wingers keep treating it as if it is not: as if there are rules, and both sides play by them. Increasingly in the US that is not the case, and it is clearly not the case many other places. If your enemies win, they will destroy you by any means. You should think long and hard about what you will do to them if you get into power, because they know what they will do to you."

Lots of news this morning, The Trump-Kim Jong Un meeting and trade wars are at the top of most news sites but Fox takes the opportunity to bash one of their cult member's favorite enemies, those American-Hating liberals of Hollywood.

MMT: economics for an economy focused on meeting the needs of most people 
Intangibles... its different this time.

Middle East
Israel vs Iran A Newsweek comparison.
Bible-Bangers drive US Middle East policy.

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