
Since Last Week

Cars and Drivers

1150 HP EV.

Does Uber Kill? The Real Cost of Ride-sharing


Pastor claims that you are robbing God if you are not donating 10%, even if you are in debt - Crooked Bastards, we should tax religion to pay for Medicare-for-All.

The Market

Nice chart here, found at "The Big Picture"


Ralph Nader: Advertising is destroying the Internet - In the early days of the Internet, the big thinkers and anti-government types feared that "government" would be the destroyer of the great, wild and free Internet of the masses.  I've always argued against that, claiming the Capitalism will be the ultimate Internet destroyer. With advertising, pay walls, privacy, tracking, throttling, etc. I think capitalism is in the lead.

Stumbling and Mumbling: THE STATE & PROFITS - Perhaps?
Perhaps instead the point is that capitalism has almost always been dependent upon the state: as William Ashworth’s new book describes, the industrial revolution was the result of an activist government. Free market capitalism is a myth now, and usually has been.

Battling the Scourge of ‘Embalmed Milk’ - The real reasons for government regulation of capitalism have mostly passed from our collective memories.

The Future

The new Silk route on rails - It looks to me like the geography, demographics and Trump economic policies are going to leave the US economically isolated from the better connected Eurasia and African markets.

But..... as long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency we'll be fine..... oops...

Five world powers and Iran agree to set up legal entity to circumvent US sanctions after Trump pullout from 2015 deal.
"In a major snub to the United States, the European Union has decided to set up a new mechanism to enable legal trade with Iran without encountering US sanctions.

The EU will create new payment channels to preserve oil and other business deals with Iran, Federica Mogherini, the bloc's foreign policy chief said late on Monday, in a bid to evade US punitive measures."

... "Mogherini's announcement came after a meeting with foreign ministers from Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China, and Iran on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York"

Israel and Tax Dollars

From the alternate universe where aid to Israel is treated like US social spending.... The GOP senator asks,.... "How are we going to pay for this?"

Found at https://www.debka.com/

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