
Income Inequality, Big Cities and the Tea Party

Creative Class » Blog Archive » Cities, Inequality and Wages - Creative Class

"All of this leads to an intriguing conclusion about the connection between cities and wages. On the one hand, city-size has become a factor in increasing inequality, magnifying the underlying bifurcation of the labor market. On the other hand, bigger cities appear to pay better average wages. Cities make us richer, more productive and increase our wages, even as they reflect and compound the growing social and economic divides of today’s increasingly spiky world."

The big city adds to income inequality. This could help explain the rise of the mostly rural tea-party. The older, rural class sits at home watching their world change. Their successful children move to the big cities, leaving them to watch their now poorer and older neighborhoods, grow poorer and older.

This seems similar to the Oakies of the great depression. The changing world has passed them by, destroyed the life they had known. However, instead of being forced to move-out, take, or go with the family to California in search of a better life, they stay where they are, safe at home, comforted by their social security and medicare, watching fox news for hours on end. Blaming it all on Obama and those damned liberals.


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