
Huckabee: Hypocrite

Huckabee: Palestinians Should Be Resettled In 'Muslim' Territory | TPMDC

Huckabee first said this....

"I cannot imagine as an American being told that I could not live in certain places in America because I was Christian, or because I was white, or because I spoke English," Huckabee said. "I would be outraged if someone told me that in my country, I would be prohibited and forbidden to live in a part of that country, for any reason"

then a few moments later said this....

Palestinians who live in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, Huckabee said, should settle in "territory that [is] in the hands of Muslims, in the hands of Arabs," as determined by the "international community."
So he doesn't want anyone telling Christians where to live, "can't imagine it", "would be outraged", but he himself is ready to allow the international community tell Palestinians where they can live.

He doesn't seem to realize that most of the International community agrees that the Palestinains should live where they are and it is the Israelis that are on Palestinian land. Not the other way around.

Christian Hypocrite.


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