
Sarah Palin - The Stupid Hurts 2

Sarah Palin Criticizes President Barack Obama on Egypt Saying 3 a.m. call Went to Answering Machine - ABC News

I doubt Sarah Palin could have found Egypt on a map a couple of years ago but now she's qualified to comment on Obama's handling of the revolt. How the fuck can that be?

Americans, especially the right-wing evangelical type, just kill me. They scream continually about the constitution, democracy, freedom, the will of the people, etc. but they go freakin' berserk as soon as a country even looks like it could elect a government with a different religion or vision. Hell, they could barely contain themselves with the results of our last election. Effectively throwing a two-year, Fox News/republican led hissy-fit because THEY didn't like the guy MOST people voted for.


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