
Religious Cults and Kooks

A few links about the non-rapture and other religious crazies.

First, from my favorite Athiest Pharyngula

On the non-rapture: [Followers preparing for the end] and [Excuses, Excuses]

Believers, sheesh: [Forcing others to pray to your god] and [Forcing others to pay for your god]

No More Mister Nice on why a main-stream religious kook wouldn't make a specific rapture date prediction. [Rapture Fail]

Wy couldn't this (false rapture prediction) have happened to Pat Robertson or David Barton or John Hagee or any of several dozen prominent Christian rightists? I'd be thrilled to see those guys with egg on their faces. (Glenn Beck? What about him?)

But see, this would never happen to any of them, because however many kooky pronouncements those guys make, they never take their eyes off the terrestrial prize. Harold Camping, by contrast, really lost himself in this.

If someone died because of this crazy rapture prediction, Harold Camping and a few of his followers should go to jail.


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