The Rude Pundit
Yeah, yeah, Godzilla of Wasilla was busy this weekend, stomping on the Tokyo of Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum's futile presidential dreams. You've heard about her strange version of the Paul Revere story. You may have even heard when she told Fox "news" host Chris Wallace that it was in response to a "gotcha type of question," which is odd since the question she was responding to was "What have you seen so far today and what are you going to take away from your visit?"
The problem ain't the question. Palin could have answered, "We saw Paul Revere's house. What a great patriot." Done. No, the problem is that Sarah Palin can't shut the fuck up. Like a desperate college student who thinks that, if she keeps talking, the professor will just give her a "C" and let her pass, Palin treads water under the synapses in her brain fire off something like a sentence that includes some dreadful, devolved belief of hers. In this case, it was contorting the Paul Revere story into some kind of 2nd Amendment-related bullshit about arms.
The Rude Pundit is right. She would do much better if she'd just stop talking and follow the "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" policy. [Abraham Lincoln]
Though she would probably twist this quote into something like,..."better to try and speak out about the fools that, that seek, the socialists that try and seek, to destroy this great, our great, nation while the real americans, the true great patroits, remain silent, but speak out only to save our great nation, the real americans, who built this great America, from the liberals that want to destroy it."
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