
Israel, The US and Iran #2

Juan Cole's take on the [Israeli Mossad posing as CIA] story.

Including these.

If the allegations are true, they indict the right wing Israeli government on several counts:

1. Of being involved in terrorist operations against civilians and,

2. Of falsely implicating the US government in those terrorist operations, shifting blame onto the CIA and also encouraging Iranian counter-attacks on Americans.

Just to be clear, it is too soon to absolve US agencies from any involvement in Jundullah. But apparently from what Perry says, that would have been very indirect, through third or fourth parties. Washington is annoyed that Mossad made it look direct, in hopes of provoking Iranian terrorism against the US and ginning up a war.

and on AIPAC

In the peculiar American system of legalized bribery, AIPAC has bought most US congressmen by organizing thousands of Jewish and Christian Zionist groups to give money to Congressional campaigns. AIPAC ought to have to register as an agent of a foreign country, but is allowed to so function without any let or hindrance, by the FBI, which really ought to intervene here.

This [guy] went to jail for pretty much the same thing. The big difference though,... his foreign country was Muslim.


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