
Israel, The US and Iran #3

[Iran: We have evidence U.S. killed nuclear scientist in Tehran - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News]

So now who do we believe? Iran says it has evidence that the CIA did it but someone just released (conveniently) a report that Israel's Mossad has been known to impersonate the CIA, specifically to increase tensions between the US and Iran. Israel, of course, says they would never do such a thing as pretend to be the CIA but haven't really said they weren't responsible for the Iranian terror attack.

This is sort of like our political discussions here in the US. When the truth is out there and you don't like it, or it doesn't serve your purpose, hire a think-tank to confuse the issue with lots of seemingly serious, but conflicting reports.

On the Iranian terror bombing, I'm betting on Mossad with at least some US knowledge/support.

More on Mossad-CIA here [Mondoweiss]

Also, [Iran willing to talk, Israel's not] but you won't see that on the evening news here in the US.


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