

You just can't believe what you see or hear in our media.

[AP Exclusive: Graph suggests Iran working on bomb]

The Graph

The undated diagram that was given to the AP by officials of a country critical of Iran's atomic program allegedly calculating the explosive force of a nuclear weapon _ a key step in developing such arms. The diagram shows a bell curve and has variables of time in micro-seconds and power and energy, both in kilotons _ the traditional measurement of the energy output, and hence the destructive power of nuclear weapons. The curve peaks at just above 50 kilotons at around 2 microseconds, reflecting the full force of the weapon being modeled. The Farsi writing at the bottom translates "changes in output and in energy released as a function of time through power pulse" (AP Photo)

[Fox Picks it up]

[Fox Again]

[MSNBC runs it]

Yet the internet believes it to be a hoax.

[google search: ap Iran nuclear chart hoax]

Glenn Greenwald has more [GG-1] [GG-2]

Our media is not trying to inform the public, they simply manipulate their beliefs.

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