

You can profile some of the people some of the time......

from Firedoglake:
"It is certainly possible that the Cincinnati Office of the IRS looked more dubiously into tax exemption claims from various “Tea Party” groups than others.  
But there are a few logical reasons this should probably have occurred.  There are two things true about “Tea Party” groups — They HATE government and they REALLY HATE paying taxes to that government they HATE. The possibility of such a group could bit a shady therefore is a bit higher than most.  
Meanwhile, in news few notice or care about:
Thousands of documents obtained by DBA Press and the Center for Media and Democracy show how Homeland Security and local law enforcement were obsessed with the Occupy movement and other activists. 
You can still punch a hippie all you want — but don’t you dare question the guy wearing a tri-corner hat in the 21st century!"

'via Blog this'

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