
Student loans and the Millennial Generation

This post looks a little like right wing propaganda (from a mostly left wing site) targeted at the Millennial generation.

Dangerous Minds | Will crushing student loan debt and worthless college degrees radicalize the Millennial generation?:

I agree with the basic points,...
The gross incompetence of the government and central bank—not to mention the endless power grabs by these centralized authorities—has not yet aroused a political consciousness that the system is irrevocably broken,...
and yes, the whole student loan/college education thing is just fucked up, but the post wants to put the blame for all the crap on "The Central State",.. in Right-Wing terms,... "the big bad GOVAMENT".
The central state is not your friend, it is your oppressor. The loan shark that won’t let you discharge your student loan debt without appealing each ruling against you three times is the government (and its hired-gun proxies). 
The oppressor who demands you work your entire life to pay interest on public debt squandered on neocolonial wars and various cartels (sickcare et al.) is your central state. 
The entity who demands you pay higher taxes so the generation entering retirement gets all that it was promised, even though the world has changed and the promises are no longer sustainable? The central state. 
The oppressor that will devote its enormous resources to investigate and crush you if you actively resist the bankers and financiers who pull the political lackeys’ strings? The central state. 
At some point, the Millennial generation will have to awaken to the fact that the only way to change its fate is to grasp political power and redirect the policy and mindset of the nation. Centralization is the black hole that is destroying the nation’s social and economic vigor. Decentralization, transparency, accountability, adaptability, social innovation, a community-based economy—these are the key features of a sustainable social order.
And yes, I agree the Central state is mostly fucked up at this time but the real issue is why is it fucked up?

Why?,.... Because it has been captured by the wealthy, corporate-government elite and is being operated to funnel as much cash as possible into their coffers.

Sure, the "Central State" enforces the Social Security and medicare taxes and the student loan programs but who is really making the money from these programs?

Who's getting rich?    The colleges themselves, along with their administrators. The banks get the interest from the loans and with the new boom in "corporate schools" it's a group of investors, a corporation, who gets the cash. Social Security and Medicare taxes basically end up in our corporate medical system's bank accounts after briefly pausing in a retiree's hands. Corporate Retailers, Corporate restaurants, the Walmarts of the world, the Energy Companies are all mining the country for cash. They setup throughout the country, run the locals out of business, grab all the cash they can and ship it out of the area and back to their "investors" leaving a Detroit-like shell in their wake.

The most blatant corporate cash-mine I know of is the Mid-West Casino. Walk through any Indiana Casino and you'll see it filled with mostly old, middle-class, grim-faced, mall-walkers patiently waiting to run what's left of their Social Security through the Casino's sluice in the name of "fun and excitement". It's damned depressing to see that your life can end like this.

Anyway, So the wealthy, corporate elite are getting rich and what do they do with all that cash? Well, they lobby buy the Government, the "Central State", so it can work for them to increase their profits and power. The "Central State" is just the enforcer for the Rich and powerful.

Blaming the "Central State" is like blaming the muscle-bound mafia enforcer for organized crime. Sure, he's part of it but he's not the mastermind.

The correct action for the Mellinnials is to take back their "Central State". Make it work for everyone, not just the rich and powerful. Raise taxes, build infrastructure, take care of our old and poor, make education and health care available to everyone. Build a foundation for everyone's future not just the rich and powerful's future.


'via Blog this'

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