
Cut out the noise, read the CBO report

Cut out the noise and read the CBO report | The Incidental Economist:
.....For instance, people who are near retirement or would like to make an attempt at starting their own business really have been “locked” into jobs for health insurance. Maybe they have a pre-existing condition and have not been able to find affordable coverage on the individual market. Under Obamacare they can. With health insurance taken care of, they are free to do what they prefer, which is to retire or to take a risk on a new venture."
Sort of,... If it was a pre-existing condition keeping them locked in the job then Obamacare helps but still,...a 55 year old in a job with paid insurance is still going to have to fork-over quite a bit of cash to make insurance payments if they leave that job.

My own personal example,... I'm 53 and have very good, company-supplied insurance for my family. Low deductible, Optical, dental, It's good and I know most people don't have anything like it but still it's what my company provides. It's approximately $1,900 a month total, of which I pay about 600$. My limited research on the exchanges hasn't found anything close to that coverage for what I'm paying.

The exchanges may save me a little over what I would have paid, and Obamacare at least guarantees that I can buy insurance, but I'm still faced with paying a lot more or having reduced coverage.

I'm far from " free to do what they prefer, which is to retire or to take a risk on a new venture."


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