
Rush and O'Reilly vs Stewart

Jon Stewart will save us! The future of healthcare may rest with “The Daily Show” - Salon.com:

The Daily Show and Colbert have become the left's answer to right-wing talk radio.

Rush, Hannity and the wingers have demonized liberals for years on radio but somehow the left was never able to make radio-waves work in the other direction. Why? Could it be that people with jobs that have a radio available all day (driving jobs?) are naturally conservative? Were they just brain-washed by the first-to-market conservative talkers (Rush) so that by the time lefty talk-radio was available there were no open minds left to hear their view?

Anyway, I like I said above,.. The Daily Show and Colbert have become the left's answer to right-wing talk radio and I like their more adult, comedic, inclusive, lets-solve-the-problem presentation of the issues better than the angry, we're-the-real-Americans, you-have-to-hate-them, destroy-them view of right wingers.

'via Blog this'

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