
Why The Economy is flat

In one chart. employees: Private vs Government

Chart of the Day #2: The Madness of Austerity | Mother Jones:

Or in one line from a future history book,....

"Conservatives, used mass-media propaganda, religious and other "constitutional" fears to convince a large portion of the public that Obama was out to destroy America and the only way to save the country was to reduce the size of government"

'via Blog this'


  1. Just because the government contracts the jobs out to corrupt private profiteers does not change the fact that the activity that the jobs entail is not market driven but rather central planning driven.

    In fact, yes, the state sector, as a proportion of US economic activity is growing while the actual market sector continues to shrink.

    Elites have no reason to needlessly subject themselves to market discipline or real competitive forces. They have now chosen to enrich themselves through state mandated economic exchange.

    Is Mother Jones too dense to see this fact or are they actively involved in disinformation?

  2. In fact, yes, the state sector, as a proportion of US economic activity is growing while the actual market sector continues to shrink.


    I agree that government conspiring with private industry to do things government could do on its own maximizes corruption.

  3. tnb,

    I don't need to locate links for you on this. Just give it a moment of critical thought.

    Where has all the "growth" in the economy been over the past 13 years?

    Armaments (single payer)

    Homeland "security" (single payer)

    Prison security complex (various state agencies)

    Law enforcement (various state agencies)

    Medical "care" (mandatory participation)

    I could go on, but I think you get the point. By contrast, there is only contraction in the market driven sectors.

    Just take a look at the careers that young people have to choose from today. It's almost entirely non-market economy unless you want to compete with illegal aliens in the service or ag sectors.

  4. yes you do. you make the claim. you need back it up.
