
US vs Iran

Thought this was interesting, From Wikileaks February 2010. (Emphasis by TNB)

Cable Viewerhttps://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/02/10DUSHANBE223.html
Rahmon then urged the United States to begin direct
negotiations with Iran, asserting that the Iranian government
was ready for face-to-face talks.  He said that continued enmity
between the United States and Iran played to Russian interests,
which were to keep oil prices high, keep the central Asian
states fearful and dependent on Russia for security,
anti-Americanism strong among Muslims, and the United States
dependent on Russia for help in resolving problems with Iran. 

Rahmon warned that if the United States attacked Iran, the
"gates of Central Asia will close."  He concluded by saying
Tajikistan is the "strategic partner" of the United States and
by praising President Obama's policy in Afghanistan." 

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