

I wonder if this guarantee to prevent suspension of Israel (found here Arrests by US as FIFA mulls giving Israel boot) (emphasis by TNB) happened before or after the arrest of FIFA members? They both are dated May 27 so which came first?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: UEFA will not let Israel be harmed, especially as there is no reason for it. An agreement has been reached on a four-point draft that is acceptable to [Israeli PM Benjamin] Netanyahu, [UEFA president Michel] Platini, [FIFA president Sepp] Blatter and now [Palestinian soccer chief] Jibril Rajoub. 
In the worst case scenario, if the Palestinians do not agree to pull the proposal and the congress is held as planned, UEFA will prevent the suspension of Israel in a very clear way. From the conversations with important people, face to face here in Warsaw, I can say without a doubt that concern over Israel’s suspension through a vote will not happen


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Digby at Hullabaloo spots the real crime in the Hastert story.
"I have to laugh though to think that this guy was a high school teacher and a congressman and parlayed that into enough money to pay off a blackmailer in the millions. What a racket."

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Charter Commmunications

A post here on the Charter Communications bid for Time Warner Cable.

Charter Communications, John Malone and America's filty Rich.
For Charter shareholders this is a great deal. It is especially good for John Malone, the controlling shareholder whose wealth has allowed him to become the largest private landowner in the United States. 
Malone, who ranks 56th on the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans, is a remarkable wealth builder. But his brilliant insights and unparalleled boldness as a telecommunications entrepreneur alone did not make him rich. Juicing his profits were government policies that tilted the economic rules in favor of his monopolies and against consumers.
That would be the same John Malone who said in a WSJ interview back in 2010. That he had plans to leave the country if things blew up here. The quote........
WSJ: What are you doing to protect against the weak American economy? 
Mr. Malone: Well, my wife, who is very concerned about these things, moved all her personal cash to Australia and Canada. She wants to have a place to go if things blow up here.Canada has a lot more fiscal and bank responsibility than most places in the world and lots of natural resources. 
We have a retreat that's right on the Quebec border. We own 18 miles on the border, so we can cross. Anytime we want to we can get away. 
It would probably be illegal but we could go. Actually our snowmobile trail goes right on the border.
Mr Malone, in 2010, was ready to leave the country by fleeing to Canada on a snowmobile across the 18 miles of US-Canadian borderland he owns, "if Things blow up here".

Now I don't know what he means by "if Things blow up here" but I'd guess it's something along the line of ,... "if the Occupy movement gathers some steam and the  Kenyan Muslim Socialist Marxist caves to the masses, tries to take my hard earned money or starts hanging rich people".

That's just a guess. Someone should ask him.

Regardless, Fuck Him. His bid for TimeWarner should be killed for the quote alone.

Mr Malone is filthy rich  (from a couple of earlier TNB posts [TNB: John Malone1] [TNB: John Malone2])
Mr. Malone is worth about 2.4 billion according to Forbes. That's $2,400,000,000. One-half of all US households have total wealth less than 93,100 (2004 - link). Let’s put those numbers together for comparison. 
John Malone's wealth --->    2,400,000,000. 
Median US Household --->               93,000. ---> 50% of US is less than this. 
Mr. Malone's wealth is equal to 25,778 of these median US families.
and (from the link at the top) the largest private landowner in the US.

John Malone. Filthy rich. Largest landowner in the US. Made it all from Americans with help of the US government and infrastructure. Ready to abandon ship at the first sign of trouble.

Fuck Him.



Fox is still hammering the Scienc-y media types in the Duggar scandal

From Foxnews.com 05/27/2015


I would have to ask..... "Is Scott Walker doing enough to vet his photo ops."

Of course lots of other Republican Wingnuts have had their picture taken with Duggar: Tuesday Night Buzz: Duggar:

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Speaking of Israel

Does it seem odd to anyone that the #2 body at the US FED is reporting from Israel.

Fed’s Fischer Sees Short-Term Rate at 3.25%-4% in Three to Four Years - Real Time Economics - WSJ:
"HERZLIYA, Israel—Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer said Monday the central bank expects to follow a “gradual and relatively slow” trajectory of short-term interest-rate increases over the next three to four years to bring borrowing costs back to “normal” levels. Mr. Fischer said observers focus too much on when The Fed will start raising its benchmark short-term rate from near zero, and instead should think more about where interest rates are headed over time. He said Fed economists expect the rate will reach from 3.25% to 4% in three to four years. “There is so much importance given to the first move. But I think it’s misleading,” said Mr. Fischer in a lecture at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, a college in a suburb outside Tel Aviv. Mr. Fischer, who served as chief of Israel’s central bank for eight years before becoming the No. 2 U.S. central banker, said the coming Fed rate increases “will be a gradual process.”"

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45 billion more to Israel?

Israel Seeks Surge in US Security Support:

I think US taxpayers would benefit more if we spent that money on roads, bridges, our old people, our poor people, our medical support, just about anything but giving it to Israel so they can piss-off their neighbors.

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Adelson: Graft in China

US court to hear suit accusing Adelson of graft in China | TheHill:
"The gambling tycoon reportedly spent nearly $150 million trying to halt President Obama’s reelection in 2012."
Note that Adelson wasn't "trying to halt President Obama’s reelection", .. he was, sort-of, but only because he was trying to buy better/more US support of Israel. If Obama had said "BiBi can have all the settlements he wants" and "Jerusalem was the capital of Israel,.. get those damned Palestinians out of there", Adelson would have been giving Obama the cash. He could care less who runs the US as long as they pledge allegiance to Israel.

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Breaking The Rules

globalinequality: Henry and Kant: outsourcing morality: (emphasis by TNB)
But what I found interesting  in this story is not soccer but the role of morality and the institutions. The common defense of Henry’s act was as follows: sure, handball is a violation of soccer rules, but it is no different from a professional foul, or simulations to force a penalty kick. In every soccer game players try to use these tricks in order to win. To quote José Mourinho's famous words: to win is my job. So, the defense of Henry went on: it is the task of the referee, that is of institutions, to catch him, prevent them from breaking the rules and eventually to punish him. Hence Henry’s handball is not his problem (everybody would do the same), but the problem of inefficient institutions. Either the referees were not up to the task or soccer should improve its institutions, for example by the introducing more referees or by the use of video recordings. 
Now I would like the reader to forget that we are talking about soccer. Consider it more generally.  Henry’s defense implies that  in life everything is allowed in order to achieve one’s objective,  and one should not feel at all bad or dishonest for doing it.  Institutions ought to prevent the achievement of such goals by illegal means. If I am a trader on Wall Street, my objective is to make money, by whatever means I can. It is the role of institutions to stop me. If they failed and the financial crisis happened, it is because they were badly designed. The entire moral order of society is outsourced, away from individuals and their internal controls to  institutions. We do not expect ourselves to be moral and behave fairly. It is not our duty: it is the duty of society to provide good institutions which would  punish those who steal and lie, and to create a good system of incentives which would reward those who contribute to society through their work, capital or inventiveness. 

Until those institutions are destroyed in the interest of "freedom", "the free market", "the invisible hand" or "getting government out of the way".

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US Presidents and Israel

Christie in the news today.

TPM on Christie: why-is-chris-christie-still-pretending-to-run-for-president
But the truth is Christie stands out in every poll over Republican proto-candidates in almost any state where there’s polling as someone GOP voters have considered and rejected. 
but this.... will help.

Christie promises Elie Wiesel he’ll be Israel’s best friend in White House - Diplomacy and Defense -  Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News:
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie promised renowned Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel that he would be the biggest friend Israel has ever had if he occupies the White House in 2017, NJ Politicker reported Wednesday.
You have to sign your soul to Israel to run for high office in the US.

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Why did we go to war in Iraq?

The only time I've ever heard this from our corporate Media.

The U.S. is at last facing the neocon captivity – Mondoweiss:
"The reason I go back to that is there’s a consistent pattern: the people who wanted that war in the worst ways, neocons so called, Wolfowitz, certainly Cheney.. it’s the same crowd of people that want us to overthrow Bashar Assad, .. it’s the same group of people that don’t want to negotiate at all with the Iranians, don’t want any kind of rapprochement with the Iranians, they want to fight that war. They’re willing to go in there and bomb. They have a consistent impulsive desire to make war on Arab and Islamic states in a neverending campaign, almost like an Orwellian campaign they will never outlive, that’s why I have a problem with that thinking. … we’ve got to get to the bottom of it. Why did they take us to Iraq, because that’s the same reason they want to take us into Damascus and why they want to have permanent war with Iran."

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Apple Watch

Too Much Coffee Man Understands

Adhesive Comics » Online cartoons since 1995 ● Cartoons Weekly ● Sometimes Comics:


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Timing the Market?

Is This the Top? - A Wealth of Common SenseA Wealth of Common Sense:


Also,... Don't worry be Happy

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Working for a living

The second job you don’t know you have – POLITICO:
Consider my father, who in 1937 began on the bottom rung of the ladder as a messenger in a small-town bank in New Jersey. In 1963 he became president, chairman of the board and CEO after having been promoted through the ranks as a teller, bookkeeper, loan officer and executive vice president. He understood every facet of banking by the time he took the helm of the company. Contrast this with the preparation many banking executives get today: an M.B.A. with specialization in finance and a penchant for high-risk derivatives. If these bankers had gone out on hundreds of mortgage appraisals like my dad, seeing the actual houses for which they were lending money and meeting real, live borrowers, would the 2008 banking crisis have happened?

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Distribution of Wealth

Stirling Behavioural Science Blog : The 15 Best Behavioural Science Graphs of 2010-13:

Stirling Behavioural Science Blog The 15 Best Behavioural Science Graphs of 2010 13

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Who does Jerusalem belong To? | Informed Comment:

Far right Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commemorated Israel’s “Jerusalem Day” with a speech in which he said, “Jerusalem was always the capital of the Jewish people only, and no other,” and warned that Muslim terrorism menaced it.  
Jerusalem, Daru Shalem, was founded sometime between 6500 and 5500 years ago, by the proto-Canaanite people long before Judaism existed. It was dedicated to the god of dusk, Shalem.
The first mention of it was after 2000 BC, again, before Judaism existed, in an Egyptian text. 
So I think we may conclude that the City of Shalem the god of dusk was probably the capital of a lot of peoples long before there was any religion called Judaism.
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Buying Politicians

Marco Rubio's wife long an unseen presence in his career | Tampa Bay Times:
"Jeanette Rubio has eschewed the Washington scene, staying home in West Miami. In 2011, she got a job with a charity financed by Norman Braman, the former owner of the Philadelphia Eagles. They knew the job would raise questions, and it has as Rubio's close ties to Braman, who has funded his political career and employed him as a lawyer, are exposed.  
Records show Mrs. Rubio was paid at least $54,000 for her part-time job in 2013.
The charity's IRS forms show it gave out only $250 that year despite having assets exceeding $9 million. The charity spent nearly $150,000 in air travel."

Clintons earned more than $25 million for speeches since 2014

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Friday Morning Links

Broken Windows

Buying Pols

Rent vs Buy

Yeah, but at least we pay them well
When researchers asked hundreds of chief financial officers from a variety of industries to forecast yearly returns for the S&P 500 over a nine-year horizon, their 80% ranges were right only one-third of the time. That’s a terribly low rate of accuracy for a group of executives with presumably vast knowledge of the U.S. economy. 
Better Decision Making

Online Data, Marketing, privacy, etc..

Buying Republicans

It looks like Pro-Israeli Republicans cost about as much to own as a Picasso

Sheldon Adelson now proud owner of George W. Bush original painting - Jewish World News - Israel News | Haaretz:
"The fiercely pro-Israel Adelson will likely spend tens (if not hundreds) of millions on the next Republican presidential candidate"
The $179 Million Picasso That Explains Global Inequality

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War on terrorism

This is from the UK but there are similar ideas afoot in the US.

Greatest Threat to Free Speech Comes Not From Terrorism, But From Those Claiming to Fight It - The Intercept:

War on terrorism is a lot like the war on drugs

Like drug laws, It's not really the drugs they care about, it's who's drugs. The medical industry can sell oxycotin and kill lots of people every year but if I sell some pot, which has never killed anyone, I can go to jail.

And,.. like the drug laws, the harm caused to the majority of those affected by the "war on" is really due to the laws created to fight that war and not by the "enemy" themselves.


At some point they really need to stop calling it " the war on terrorism" and call it what it really is "a war on Islam" Do you think they would use this to hush all those evangelical preachers who hammer on Obama every Sunday.
It will also contain new powers to close premises including mosques where extremists seek to influence others. The powers of the Charity Commission to root out charities that misappropriate funds towards extremism and terrorism will also be strengthened.
or this to stop those Tea-Bagger, Evangelical types from brainwashing our young minds.
They would include a ban on broadcasting and a requirement to submit to the police in advance any proposed publication on the web and social media or in print. The bill will also contain plans for banning orders for extremist organisations which seek to undermine democracy or use hate speech in public places, but it will fall short of banning on the grounds of provoking hatred.
It ain't about preaching hate, It's about who you hate.

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Jade Helm

The best I've read on Jade Helm

Stonekettle Station: Jade Helm: The Insanity that Ate Texas:
 "Let me be blunt, or blunter than I’ve already been: anybody, anybody, who believes President Obama is about to send the United Nations to invade Texas, declare martial law, and herd Texans into FEMA Death Camps Of Death cleverly hidden in a secret network of continent spanning tunnels linking Wal-Marts across the nation, anybody who believes this ridiculous howling bullshit in any way whatsoever should be darted with powerful tranquilizers, netted from black helicopters, pumped full of happy juice before they start eating their own feces, and installed in a padded cell where the most dangerous thing they encounter each day is a small plastic cup of institutional butterscotch pudding pushed through a small opening in the bottom of the door with a stick."

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US Airstrike in Syria

US Airstrike in Syria kills 53 Civilians, 6 Children | Informed Comment:

I'd bet this will increase the number of middle Eastern people who hate us for our freedoms.

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Loony Politicians

In 50-49 vote, US Senate says climate change not caused by humans — Politics — Bangor Daily News — BDN Maine:

The Ds are loony for wasting government time and money even bringing this up. Why the hell do we need to legislate belief in science?

The Rs are,.... well,... global warming, all-tax-cuts-all-the-time, drill-baby-drill,..Kenyan, Muslim, no-birth certificate black-guy President, Internment camps, Feds taking over Texas, Government always bad, Markets always good, Health Insurance markets work, They hate us for our freedoms, All-Israel-All-The-Time, The Great Sky-Daddy,....ok, just fucking nuts.

And our media will convince the American voter that Bernie is a loon.

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Bernie Sanders

The loon-ification begins. Bernie Sanders: ‘The guy who eats a pickle with every meal’ | Elections | McClatchy DC:   See this excellent post on how the major parties believe some pretty loony stuff (On the UK but applies here too). Stumbling and Mumbling: Serious Politics

My view....

Given the Corporate party's grip on power, I don't think Bernie has a chance but this country could use jerk to the left. The All-for-business-all-the-time group have been in control too long and the election of the Obama gave the Libertarian, TeaBagger, Evangelical, Marxist-Kenyan-Hating-Racists a common enemy to unite around pulling us even more to the right. The American voter needs to hear some policy proposals that focus on people rather than business.

This at the Jacobin [Bernie for President] makes some good points on a Bernie run.

1. He is not really that far left in real world terms. He is in the Corporate-American political sense but in reality he's basically on the liberal side of the US Democrats. He wouldn't make a pimple on a European lefty's ass.
Sanders doesn’t offer the sweeping emancipatory vision or principled anti-imperialist politics that we should demand on the Left, but his full-throated defense of the welfare state stands in marked contrast to frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s business-friendly policies.
... Unlike most of Europe, the United States never developed a mass labor party that vied for power and built a generous welfare state. But for most of the twentieth century, many within the Democratic Party were able build the fragments of one within its tent.
2. There are some left-y things happening out there that could unite around him.
the Occupy movement, labor insurgencies such as the Chicago Teachers Union strike, fast-food worker activity, movements against police violence, and increased attention to income inequality all point to the incipient reemergence of the American left.
3. Hillary isn't the flag-waving communist the right makes her out to be. She's really just a little on the left side of the Corporate Party. She ain't in it to help the American working class.
The Clintons’s role in transforming the Democratic Party at a national level throughout the 1990s (winning short-term electoral payoffs in the process) is undeniable. After all, it was President Clinton — not Ronald Reagan — who balanced the budget and ended “welfare as we know it.” And it was Hillary Clinton, then the first lady, who strongly supported landmark, DLC-backed achievements like the 1996 welfare reform bill.
So Bernie doesn't have much of a chance to win but he could make enough noise to unite the left and jerk the Democrats a little more toward the interests of people instead of global business.

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Saturday Morning Mix

Bruce Bartlett is doing his best to talk some sense into the crazy Republican Party. He might be the last sane republican alive. Bruce Bartlett - A Conservative Case for the Welfare State

Nouriel Roubini: The Dollar Joins the Currency Wars

Mike Huckabee helps Steven M at the NoMoreMisterNice blog find the answer to "Why white people can't use the N-Word.

VOX: Politics isn't about who you love. It's about who you fear.  In the US, the Right is much better at creating and focusing fear of the left. They have the edge in the media, despite the "liberal media" story. They preach fear all day long on talk radio and FOX news. Where's the left's equivalent? Comedy Central is probably it. MSNBC has a couple of shows that try but they don't compare with the right's voice. CNN and the other networks are pretty middle of the road (terrible). They may have some liberal stories but they're not promoting fear like Rush or Fox.

The internet is a different story. Both sides do fear pretty well there.

Bernie Sanders for President. The media will try to paint Bernie as an outside-the-mainstream loon. He should point out that a lot (most?) of the mainstream pols are the people who believe some pretty  goofy stuff. Pointed out here at the always good "Stumbling and Mumbling"