


Man I hate to see impeachment. It's not that I don't think he deserves it, Trumps an asshole and deserves to go but damn, one of the reasons he was elected was the people were fed up with a government that basically ignored them. They hadn't seen a government that cared about people for decades. Trump told them he'd be different, an outsider who cared for the common man. He was lying his ass off but the people believed him and voted for him.

Now the D's have a chance to show they can work for the working class but they take off on an impeachment that will suck the life out of the news cycle leaving even less room for policy discussions.

I'd like to see the D's try to just appeal on policy and say, Fuck It, we know Trumps a criminal and we want him out of there but we don't want to waste time with impeachment. we want to do it with votes. Promise real change, medicare for all, support of social security, education, unions, give the millions working at Walmarts and fast food a raise, build some roads, some broadband. Bring the country into the god-damned 21st century. Flood the fucking news cycle with policy aimed at the people and make the Rs run against it.

What a fucking mess this will be.

The Death of the Neutral Public Sphere
.. we need to force candidates to engage with each other to solve actual policy problems, to lock them into a conversation where evidence becomes necessary, to hold them to account on their promises over time.
From Naked Capitalism 9/25/2019
Resilc: “We’re down from Vermont for a few days for medical issues. I sat in the UNC orthopedic center yesterday with a cast of dozens of all ages, races and economic levels. I am betting most could care less about Trump and impeachment, but a whole lot about their medical insurance or lack of….”

Trump and Fox

TRUMP AS “REPLACEMENT-LEVEL FOX NEWS JUNKIE” - This is right on Trump. Still, Fox is the driving force. Like millions of old white people, he believes what Fox has been spoon feeding their viewers. Trump is more the "Fox News President" than Fox News is "Trump Media"

Bill Gates: “Economists don’t actually understand macroeconomics” - Yeah. Bill Gates knows about the economy. Fuck Bill Gates.


Team Iran

Lines like this ..
"The purpose of the JCPOA was to bribe the Iranians to hold off on building a bomb until Obama left office by legitimizing a future Iranian bomb while filling the regime’s coffers with hundreds of billions of dollars." 
.. are almost always followed by generous amounts of BS, along the lines of  "I'm not a racist but,..."


US air strike against Daesh in Libya kills 11 - Something you won't see on US media.

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