
Mid Week

Hey Google

An opinion piece by Newt does not qualify as Headline News. (2019.10.26 am). Really, no opinion piece should be headline news.

Medicare for All

USA today: Stop fearmongering about 'Medicare for All.' Most families would pay less for better care.
Framing this debate by fearmongering over “higher taxes” ignores that this money is already coming out of American families’ pockets. Right now, these costs actually amount to a regressive tax that every family pays no matter whether their wage-earner is a CEO or a secretary. We can discuss whether a Medicare for All program that uses our money to fund Medicare instead of financing private insurance companies is a good idea. But it is deeply misleading to pretend that this shift is an increase in family health care costs. It is not.


Six Things Your Idiot Uncle Walter Doesn't Understand About The Impeachment Of Donald Trump

The Future

About 41% of the global population are under 24. And they’re angry…

The Global Protest Wave, Explained


Hillary Clinton Spoils the Party

I'll bet there are some Corporate Ds shitting their pants over this.  Qualifying For The December Debate Will Be Difficult For Many Democrats

This has to be good for progressives though. When two-thirds of the debaters are spouting progressive talk, Biden is going to look even more lame.


Diaper rush: conquering a $9 billion market no one wants to talk about
The time may not be far off when more adults need diapers than babies as the population grows older, potentially a huge opportunity for manufacturers of incontinence products - if they can lift the stigma that has long constrained sales.

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