


Everything is Amazing, But Nothing is Ours and Computer Files Are Going Extinct

The robots we should be worried about. The Drone Wars Are Already Here
"The skies of Syria, Yemen, and Libya swarm with armed and dangerous unmanned aerial vehicles. And the technology is spreading farther and farther afield."

Hey Google

There is no universe where an opinion piece by right wing hack, David Bossie is Headline News. (Google News 10.30.2019)

God-Dammit Google

There is no universe where an opinion piece by right wing hack, David Bossie is Headline News. (Google News 11.01.2019)

Fox - Keeping them in the Dark.

(Fox News 10.30.2019)

Fox - The Hypocrisy

Fox, the wrapped in red, white, and blue, conservative propaganda channel, protector of all things 'Murican, dedicated to making sure we all wear our flag pins while keeping old, white-people, "real 'Muricans" misinformed and enraged are giving Pelosi hell for draping impeachment in stars and stripes.

Fuck Fox.

CNN - Not Helping

How a Trump impeachment could lead to a Pelosi presidency

The Capitalist Paradise

I Accidentally Uncovered a Nationwide Scam on Airbnb

US and Israel

Democratic pro-Israel group attacks Bernie Sanders - Hard to believe the pro-Israel crowd doesn't like an old Jewish guy. Can pro-Israel be anti-Semitic?

The World

How power in the middle east is changing - Revisiting the win-win-win-win outcome in Syria

How power in the world is changing - The New World is Emerging Before Us
Today’s world is that of financial capitalism, which is devastating economies one by one for the sole benefit of a few super-rich people. Its supreme stage implied the division of the world into two parts: on the one hand, stable and globalised countries, and on the other hand, regions of the world without states, reduced to being mere reserves of raw materials. 


The lies. Oh my God, the lies.

Margaret and Helen
And to the entire GOP – is this really the ship you want to go down with? This guy? The guy so insecure he flipped off the female astronauts who politely corrected his incorrect statement about females who have walked in space? That’s your guy? The guy with the bad combover and the cheap suits made in China? The guy who just brought our soldiers home from Syria by selling them to Saudi Arabia? The guy who last year said the Kurds were our friends and is now abandoning them because they didn’t help us in World War II? 
You don’t follow that guy. You impeach that guy.

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