

Those old immigrant-hater's social security checks may depend on those immigrants working and paying taxes.

The US population is not growing fast enough (not enough babies) while the over 65 (social security) group is exploding. (see link and charts below) and ...

Immigrants don't really take "our jobs" they allow the economy to grow.

Immigrants are not hurting U.S.-born workers




Three Snapshots of Where US Population is Headed

"Back around 1950, there were six Americans in the traditionally working-age population from 25 to 64 for every American who was 65 and older. The ratio fallss over time, but when the “baby boom” generation that was born starting in 1946 started turning 65 in 2010, you can see the drop-off in the ratio become more severe for about 25 years, before it more-or-less levels out again. We’re now at a ratio of 2.9 25-64 year-olds for every person over age 65, headed for a ratio of 2.2 by 2054. Many of the fundamental financial issues for Social Security and Medicare stem from this this shift."








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