

A US Senator, working with a foreign leader, against the elected leader of the US and, I believe, not in the best interest of the US as a whole.

 U.S. senator tells Netanyahu Congress will follow his lead on Iran sanctions - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz:

He (Netanyahu) said more and stronger sanctions were required. 
“And I welcome your leadership in this effort,” Netanyahu said. 
Graham also discussed the possibility of cutting off U.S. funding for the United Nations if the Security Council passes a pending Palestinian state resolution 
“Any effort by the French, the Jordanians or anyone to avoid direct negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians over the peace process, anyone who tries to take this to the UN Security Council, there will be a violent backlash by the Congress that could include suspending funding to the United Nations,” Graham said. “We will not sit back and allow the United Nations to take over the peace process.”

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Sony Hack

A Breakdown and Analysis of the December, 2014 Sony Hack:
While Apple has yet to release the movie on iTunes, even Sony has setup an online method to view The Interview, all you have to do is give Sony your credit card information. What could possibly go wrong?

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Sony Hack

A rant spurred by this.... Global Guerillas: Sony Hack.

It looks to me like the common man doesn't really have a lot at risk to a hack. Sure we all have some monetary/identity-theft risk but Government, business, especially global-corporations, and the global-elite-job-creator types all have a lot of public relations risk that the common folk don't really have.

Sure, an individual has some PR risk but its small, local, and not all that economically important.  Face it folks,...we really just don't have all that much to lose. Yes they could hurt you by stealing your identity or leaking the porn sites you visit but your probably not going to pay off all of your own debt anyway and you could always move to another town and get a job at another fast food joint at close to your current income.

The important folk, well, they're a different story. They have money and power and are rarely satisfied with what they have. They want more and are not above colluding with, or stepping on, each other to get it. They play hardball and often get what they want by hook or crook. They talk bad about each other and us Plebs and generally just do a lot of stuff that would be embarrassing or cut into their profits and power if it got out to the public at large.

On top of having a lot of dirty laundry that they'd like to keep secret, they don't make very sympathetic victims. They're rich, powerful, and generally don't have much in common with the rest of us. The common folk just don't really care all that much about them, don't really like them and will laugh when they fall.

Sure, there will be an occasional Princess Diana-type, but in general, most people don't give a damn about any Global corporation, most Americans don't like our own politicians, and very few people making less than 50 grand a year give a rats-ass about any billionaire.

Hell, when GM,.. GM as in "America, Apple Pie and Chevrolet" went belly-up during the last financial collapse, a damned large portion of Americans were raising hell because Obama was going to bail them out. "Let-em-die" they said. We love Chevy but we'd still love to see them fall.

With that in mind...... The Sony Hack

So who really did it? No one knows for certain but if I had to bet I'd put my money on a hacker group, maybe with an inside connection. NK !?  Possible but unlikely. So why the NK story? PR,.. man, PR!

Sony was.. may still be.. failing. We were loving it. As the story evolved, their media peers began to devour them, feeding us their embarrassing insider emails, their salaries, their passwords. We were eating it up. and laughing at them. Sony was flailing and failing fast. Then the North Korean story emerged.

This hack wasn't a result Sony's bad security or normal, everyday hackers! No! Sony was attacked by something more anti-American and evil, than a giant, japan-based, billionaire-led, government-connected, global corporation,...North Korea! North Korea, communist member of the famed "Axis of Evil". Lead by a real-life, South-Park-looking, evil man-child who fed his uncle to starving dogs. Damn,..that's evil.

Sony had just made a movie about them and they retaliated by hacking Sony! The FBI (well at least one California-based sect) and eventually Obama (for a few minutes anyway) confirmed North Korea. There were rumors that Russia, Iran and China could be involved.  Even more anti-American evil!

Public perception was turned. Sony was on the American side. They were good. We were felt bad for them and didn't really want to laugh at their situation any more. North Korea was the bad guy.

The victim card. Well played.

With the above in mind.....  The Future.

We like to see big-rich-successfuls fail. And when they do,.... the others around them, the other big-rich-successfuls, feed them to us for a profit, pick their bones for the scraps, pocket the left-overs and then they fix the rules to protect themselves from a similar fate.

When the Sony story broke, their media peers began to devour them, feeding us their embarrassing insider emails, their salaries, their passwords. Sony was in trouble. The NK story and a threat to sue bought them some time but I got the feeling that the threat to sue really just pissed-off the rest of the media and they were getting ready to jump on Sony pretty hard. However, just as it look like Sony was going to fail big, Obama made his NK-Did-This announcement and the pressure was released.  Sony will probably survive though legal battles may rage for years.

Government, global-corporation, and the global-elite-job-creator types all saw this play out and realized that this could happen to them too. They could be hacked and possibly destroyed by their peers who would take their secrets and sell them to the public for a profit. No one is safe. They will say we need some new rules.


Rules depend on who gets to make them and since most governments around the world are dominated by corporate-elite interests, I'd expect the rules to favor them over the poor people.....

We'll probably see more calls for global digital property and privacy protection. Especially the property and privacy of governments, corporations, or the elite. The average-Joe's privacy won't matter much.

We will see new laws to prevent the release of hacked data. I'm sure there are already some on the books but that hasn't stopped other media outlets from releasing the contents of the Sony hack. Don't expect any media people to go to jail or be fined for releasing any hacked documents only hackers go to jail.

"Legitimate media" will be able to publish anything any media, government, or business wants leaked or published but hacker-acquired data will be blackballed at some point. Hackers and others who release the same info will go to jail.

The definition of "legitimate media" will be adjusted as needed like we saw with Wikileaks.  

Hackers will be targeted as outlaws and chased around the globe with greater intensity. 

Whistle-blowers will be handled based on who is targeted and the definition adjusted as needed.

Expect us to keep a few villains around. We need them to blame bad stuff on.

Saturday Morning Links

Rational and Irrational Thought: The Thinking that IQ Tests Miss - Scientific American:

Create an enemy. Scare the hell out of the people. Achieve your political goals. Make a lot of money.

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Russian Oligarchs

"When the economy almost collapsed in 2008, the Russian government bailed out state-supported banks first, to the tune of 5 trillion rubles (approximately $230 billion), in a move which government ministers who sat on boards (such as Finance Minister Kudrin, who sat on the board of VTB Bank) simply helped themselves to their own private stimulus package.  But instead of using the money to stabilize the Russian ruble (which plummeted from 23RR/US$ to 36RR/US$) or the stock market (which lost 80 percent of its value), it only stimulated capital flight.  Kudrin estimated that between October 2008 and January 2009, $200 billion was taken out of the country — i.e., virtually the entire stimulus."
I don't see a lot of difference between the Russian and the US response to the collapse. Our bail-out was larger and the American plebs did get a little of it,.. very little, OK, maybe we got some benefits from giving it to them? OK. The US Oligarchs got damned near all of it but it stopped them from crashing the economy completely and taking our pensions,... well all of our pensions,...

Anyway,.. I guess he biggest difference I see is that the American Oligarchs didn't have to move their cut out of the country. They got to keep it at home.


US vs Iran

Thought this was interesting, From Wikileaks February 2010. (Emphasis by TNB)

Cable Viewerhttps://wikileaks.org/cable/2010/02/10DUSHANBE223.html
Rahmon then urged the United States to begin direct
negotiations with Iran, asserting that the Iranian government
was ready for face-to-face talks.  He said that continued enmity
between the United States and Iran played to Russian interests,
which were to keep oil prices high, keep the central Asian
states fearful and dependent on Russia for security,
anti-Americanism strong among Muslims, and the United States
dependent on Russia for help in resolving problems with Iran. 

Rahmon warned that if the United States attacked Iran, the
"gates of Central Asia will close."  He concluded by saying
Tajikistan is the "strategic partner" of the United States and
by praising President Obama's policy in Afghanistan." 

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Israel - Ibrahimi Mosque

Was browsing Wikipedia today and found this: Cable Viewer: Dated 2/26/2010.(emphasis by TNB)

--------------------------------------------- -------------

¶7.  (C) Hebron resident Ja'bari said that her uncle, Zaid
al-Ja'bari -- head of the Waqf at Ibrahimi Mosque -- had told
her that "for the time being, we don't see any changes to the
way the Ibrahimi Mosque is being managed.  We read in the
news that (Israeli Prime Minister) Netanyahu said that there
won't be any changes to Ibrahimi Mosque, so we're are
slightly reassured."  Note:  Ja'bari was referring to
comments in the Israeli press attributed to Netanyahu that
freedom of worship at the mosque would be maintained, and
that the purpose of the decision was to allow for renovation
and maintenance of the current status.
 End Note.

¶8.  (C) Ja'bari said that Hebron residents are "concerned
about the outcome.  They know it always starts off as
something little at first, and then, the steps move
drastically forward."  There would be consequences as a
result of the mosque being placed on the (Israeli heritage)
list, she predicted.  Hebronites were "waiting for the next
steps," fearing more restrictions of access to the mosque,
prevention of prayers, and mosque closures,
she added. 

It looks like it took about five years for Israel to break its word.

Occupation Forcibly Turns Mosque into Museum

Google Search on Ibrahimi Mosque 12/26/2014

Israel bans Muslims from Ibrahimi Mosque beginning Tuesday

Israeli Forces Prevent Muslims From Entering Ibrahimi Mosque

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Hypocrisy In Media

Found here: Hypocrisy In Media Coverage Of Police Killings | Crooks and Liars:

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Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community:

When governments want to rid themselves of some problem group one SOP is to label the group "Militants". The US media will always pay along to the point that you can tell whether a group has US support or not by watching for the term. "Militants" and were against them. "War-Lord" is another term for those we don't support and also "Terrorist" but,..  "Rebel" or "Freedom Fighter" and usually we're for them.

Palestinians are always "militants" or "terrorists". Israelis are either "Israeli military" or "Settlers"

Syrians we support are "rebels" those we don't are "militants" or "terrorists"

I remember in the late 90's in a former Soviet area, maybe Georgia (south Ossetia??). There was a rebellion that Russia crushed. The US Media jumped on "Freedom Fighter" or "Rebel" label for the breakaway group but within a few days the US and Russia made a deal and the "freedom fighters" became "War-Lords".

Related: Obama mulls reshuffle of ‘state sponsors of terrorism’ list

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NY Police Shooting


Syrian rebel Yarmouk Brigades ditch US and Israel allies, defect to ISIS:
The Syrian rebel Yarmouk Shuhada Brigades, backed and trained in Jordan for two years by US officers and supported by the Israeli army, has abruptly dumped them and switched to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria,

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Why white evangelicals rule the midterms - The Washington Post:
"For good and for ill, white evangelicals are one of the most effectively organized groups in American politics, and they reliably vote Republican. "
The very effective conservative-libertarian-evangelical propaganda network, talk-radio, Fox News, the NRA and their religious leaders has been very effective at demonizing perceived enemies of their America, focusing their hate and getting them to the polls.

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Sony - All


Good post with lots of links here:

The FBI told their story about North Korea attacking Sony. Before we retaliate, read what they didn’t tell you.



Where's the evidence?

Still,... The sites I've been following for Sony updates:

A few found this morning

Sony's Network Security

My earlier Sony links


Sony 3

The FBI says they are sure.

Still a lot of doubt..Krebs and HP

The US Government may be using the SONY job as an excuse to turn its cyber-arms more toward NK/Russia? .. or as cover if our cyber efforts are found?

Sony 2

No, North Korea Did NOT Threaten War Over Seth Rogen Movie

SONY hacked in 2011 by LulzSec

The best summary I've seen is here: Risk Based Security: Sony


Given the current evidence, I'm about as convinced that North Korea is to blame as I was that Saddam was behind the 9-11 attacks and had weapons of mass-destruction.

some links....

Pros don't seem to think North Korea is to blame.

From a good Wired post
New reports, however, indicate that intelligence officials who are not permitted to speak on the record have concluded that the North Koreans are behind the hack. But they have provided no evidence to support this and without knowing even what agency the officials belong to, it’s difficult to know what to make of the claim. And we should point out that intelligence agencies and government officials have jumped to hasty conclusions or misled the public in the past because it was politically expedient.

Nation-state attacks aren’t generally as noisy, or announce themselves with an image of a blazing skeleton posted to infected computers, as occurred in the Sony hack. Nor do they use a catchy nom-de-hack like Guardians of Peace to identify themselves. Nation-state attackers also generally don’t chastise their victims for having poor security, as purported members of GOP have done in media interviews. Nor do such attacks involve posts of stolen data to Pastebin—the unofficial cloud repository of hackers—where sensitive company files belonging to Sony have been leaked. These are all hallmarks of hacktivists—groups like Anonymous and LulzSec, who thrive on targeting large corporations for ideological reasons or just the lulz, or by hackers sympathetic to a political cause. 
Despite all of this, media outlets won’t let the North Korea narrative go and don’t seem to want to consider other options. If there’s anything years of Law and Order reruns should tell us, it’s that focusing on a single suspect can lead to exclusionary bias where clues that contradict the favored theory get ignored.

Possibly an inside job or maybe with help from a disgruntled employee?
 Cybersecurity expert Hemanshu Nigam also finds it hard to believe that North Korea is the perpetrator. Instead, he theorizes an employee or ex-employee with administrative access privileges is a more likely suspect. For the studio — which has laid off hundreds of employees over the past year in an effort to contain costs — the possibility of a disgruntled employee wreaking havoc is very real.

Don't have the technical capabilities.
"It could be. In my personal opinion, it's not," Monsegur said. "Look at the bandwidth going into North Korea. I mean, the pipelines, the pipes going in, handling data, they only have one major ISP across their entire nation. That kind of information flowing at one time would have shut down North Korean Internet completely." 
Monsegur is confident they don't have the infrastructure to carry out this kind of attack.

An opportunity to argue for more elite/corporate control of the interent?

Of course Fox News is sure North Korea is behind it, probably with help from all of our other enemies, Iran, Russia and China. What the hell is the administration going to do about it? Why won't they act? Obama is weak? Benghazi!

Ain't propaganda wonderful...

Bush vs Clinton?

If Jeb Bush Is In, Who Will Win Wall Street's Money? | Informed Comment:

easy,....The candidate seen as most likely to win.

Corporate cash doesn't just go to the candidate because of their political stance, big chunks go to the candidate the corporate interest, or lobby group, thinks is going to win. Once a candidate looks like they have the race sewn-up the corporate backers pile the cash on so they have a voice at the victor's table.

I think this might be why we saw so many skewed polls in 2012. They R's had to make the race look close or the corporate cash would have been cut-off early and shoveled to the D's for future favors. Skewing the polls kept the cash rolling in a little longer.

Another reason for the skewed polls,... American voters like to be on the winning side. If the poles showed that Romney was going to be trounced, as he was, many potential Romney voters would have just stayed home making the loss appear even worse. The host of bogus conservative polls showing Romney close or even leading were produced to keep up the appearance of a chance of victory to get the Fox News viewers to vote.

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This should be turned into a campaign ad against Cruz and Rubio in their next election cycle.



John Kasich Isn't Ready For Prime Time On The Federal Budget - Forbes:
But anyone who calls for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would require a balanced budget each year, as Politico has reported Kasich has done, doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to fiscal policy. He deserves to be denounced for doing it.

I agree.

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Putin on the Fritz by Paul Krugman - The Conscience of a Liberal - NYTimes.com:

 Well, it turns out that Putin managed to get himself into a confrontation with the West over Ukraine just as the bottom dropped out of his country’s main export, so that a financing shock was added to the terms of trade shock.
or you could say,.....
The west manufactured a confrontation with Russia in the Ukraine and is now intentionally bombing the Russian economy with cheap oil in order to force Russia to bend to it's will.
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Serfdom for the American Worker

Here's a pretty good list of business/corporate attacks on labor over the last 30 years.

The Devaluation of American Workers | The Economic Populist:

As a result, there has been an average transference of $7,000 every year from lower and middle income earners to the top. How the hell did things get this bad for middle and working class labor? It has been a long time coming, but numerous processes were at work:
  • Cutting employee benefits, i.e. health plans — even after employees have retired with them.
  • Eliminating defined benefits plans, such as provided standard corporate pensions — in favor of defined contribution plans (such as 401ks) in which workers are in it for themselves to accumulate adequate savings for retirement.
  • Cutting wages — either de facto, or through eliminating labor unions which protected them (much exacerbated after Reagan ascended to power).
  • Firing/downsizing workers just before their retirement dates, so the company is free not to have to pay retirement plan benefits, or provide stock options, as per contract clauses.
  • Re-engineering the workplace to increase its automation factor in order to dump workers, so as to increase profit margins by not having to pay benefits, etc.
  • Shipping as many jobs as possible overseas, to places like India or China, with labor costs barely 20% of what they are in the U.S. (and with no benefits to factor in).
  • Firing — downsizing workers after mergers and acquisitions, as dictated by Wall Street interests, in order to enhance a company' profits through higher Wall Street share prices.
  • Identifying older (over 50) workers as "surplus" so that they can be replaced with younger workers for whom half the wages (or less) can be paid, with fewer benefits. (A recent 5-4 Supreme Court ruling a few years ago exacerbated this by asserting anyone claiming "age discrimination" could not file a suit in standing if that was the only charge)
  • Eliminating nearly all permanent jobs which carry health and pension benefits, in favor of using temp workers, outsourcing/offshoring, or some other device not requiring benefits. On the academic (university) front: by using "adjunct" professors, hired on a per-hour, per-course basis, without benefits and with no possibility of "tenure".
  • Tying health insurance to employment, so that when let go or fired, workers are waylaid again by having to do without critical protection — and hereby driving them into bankruptcy and/or poverty if they should get seriously ill or seriously injured in an accident.

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Yep. The NCAA sucks.

College QB Forced To Sue T-Shirt Company To Retain Eligibility:
"Dak Prescott, who probably doesn't care about some T-shirts and just wants to play football, is now involved in a lawsuit aimed at preventing people from profiting from the use of his name or likeness in order to protect the earning potential of a corrupt organization that profits from the use of his name or likeness every single day, and will take away Prescott's ability to play football if he doesn't protect that earning potential."

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The American Way

Q&A: Alleged architect of CIA program blasts Dems for smear campaign | Al Jazeera America:

Of course he would deny responsibility, claim innocence, and accuse the accusers. That is the American elite's way. Poor people go to jail (or die). The wealthy-elite, lawyer-up and take their deny-accuse case to the media.

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Use of Weapons

The road from 9/11 to Ferguson | Use of Weapons:
When hijacked airliners slammed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and an empty Pennsylvania field in 2001 everyone knew that the United States was changed forever
A short read. Worth the time

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Small State vs Large State - Well Said

mainly macro: The imaginary world of small state people:
... The state is clearly good at doing some things, and bad at doing others. In between there is a large and diverse set of activities which may or may not be better achieved through state direction or control, and they really need to be looked at item by item on their merits. 
My first major problem with small state people is that they are not prepared to look at these items on their merits. Instead they have a blanket ideological distaste for all things to do with government. The evidence that government is ‘always the problem’ is just not there. The idea that private sector activity is always welfare enhancing and is best left alone was blown out of the water by the financial crisis.

Small State vs Large State - Well Said

mainly macro: The imaginary world of small state people:
... The state is clearly good at doing some things, and bad at doing others. In between there is a large and diverse set of activities which may or may not be better achieved through state direction or control, and they really need to be looked at item by item on their merits. 
My first major problem with small state people is that they are not prepared to look at these items on their merits. Instead they have a blanket ideological distaste for all things to do with government. The evidence that government is ‘always the problem’ is just not there. The idea that private sector activity is always welfare enhancing and is best left alone was blown out of the water by the financial crisis.



War by Media and the Triumph of Propaganda » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names:
The information age is actually a media age. We have war by media; censorship by media; demonology by media; retribution by media; diversion by media Рa surreal assembly line of obedient clich̩s and false assumptions.

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Forgetting the Lesson of Cypherpunk History: Cryptography Is Underhanded:
"Why should they clean up their act when it's cheaper and more profitable to sell snake oil to rubes?"
Can you trust anyone who stands to profit from their actions?

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The Club

There is no real difference between the parties. They are just left and right divisions of the US's global, corporate elite with more in common with each other than the mass of America. They don't give a damn about the less than $150,000 a year crowd. As one comment in this post says,... The Club is the Club.

The New Pentagon Chief, Ashton Carter, and the Beauty of DC Bipartisanship - The Intercept:


They do look out for each other.

Many members of the club spotted here:

Time: What Happened to the ‘Future Leaders’ of the 1990s?

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The System is Working as Intended.

In Light of Eric Garner | Ian Welsh:
The system will not change until those who want it to change have the raw power to force it to change, because it does serve the interests of its masters by destroying or marginalizing anyone who is actually a danger to oligarchical control of the system.
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The War On Christmas Is Over.

Relax, The War On Christmas Is Over. Christmas Won, Again | Crooks and Liars:
Meanwhile, the real Grinches stealing Christmas (and Thanksgiving) go merrily along fueled by their Christmas profits. For two months, America is consumed by shopping and shopping and more shopping. And just to be sure that not a penny was missed, December 26th ushers in the After Christmas shopping.

Let’s be honest: any relationship between our Christmas gift-o-rama and the birth of Jesus is strictly coincidental.

But, never mind all of that. Next December we’ll be treated to another battle in the endless fight to protect our favorite holiday. Once again, you will be able to tell that the forces of evil are winning. Just listen to the nasty store clerk shouting the Christmas-killers’ battle cry. “Happy Holidays.”

Agreed.  The real war on Christmas was won by the US's retail establishment who've convinced several generations of Americans that the "real Christmas" is about shopping and spending. Shop.. shop... shop.. spend.. spend... spend..  Ho-Fucking-Ho!

Fuck the War-On-Christmas crowd. They're grifters who see Christmas as a chance to make a buck.

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Education and Corruption

Feds: For-profit college used strippers to lure students | Al Jazeera America:

This is a good example of why I don't get a lot of the libertarian, anti-government crowd.

Government makes a big pile of money available for education. A bunch of business men, you know,.. free market types,.. form a corrupt scheme to grab that money for themselves. Libertarian, anti-government, anti-tax types will say the government corrupted the system but who is really at fault here?

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Once Were Good

UN General Assembly Demands Israel Mothball its Nuclear Arsenal | Informed Comment:

(emphasis added)
The United Nations General Assembly (where all 193 countries in the world get a vote) has almost unanimously demanded that Israel give up its nuclear weapons and cooperate with making the Middle East a nuclear-free zone. The only dissenters were Israel and the United States, along with three small South Pacific islands that always vote with the US, presumably in order to receive foreign aid. Some 161 countries voted for the measure.
I'm afraid we are on the wrong side of history with Israel.

and maybe the Ukraine:

Why Did US, Canada And Ukraine Vote Against Condemning Nazism At The UN?

and Egypt...


and Mexico...

The U.S. has balked at publicly condemning corruption or human rights violations during Peña Nieto's administration

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Netanyahu's Israel

Netanyahu chooses to go to the polls, believing he holds a winning hand | Al Jazeera America:

They're not going to end the occupation
Even Netanyahu’s primary electoral asset — his promise of maintaining security and stability without ending the occupation of Palestinian territories — has depreciated with the recent turmoil in Jerusalem.
And it doesn't look like they're going to give the Palestinians any voice in the government.
That doesn’t mean they would be invited into government, since Arab representation in the governing coalition remains a taboo, even for Israel’s left-wing parties, despite the fact that Palestinian citizens of Israel account for one-fifth of the population.
One-fifth of the population of Israel doesn't really have a voice. The occupied territories don't have a voice. That's a nice little "Only Democracy in the Middle East" you have there.

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